40ft Standard Container vs 40ft High Cube Container
40ft Standard Container vs 40ft High Cube Container
Question: What is the difference between a 40ft High Cube and a 40ft Standard Height Container?
The primary difference between a 40ft Standard height container and a 40ft High Cube Container is the difference in height of exactly one foot. The 40ft Standard container is 8ft 6 in high on the exterior which corresponds to a 7ft 10in height on the interior. A 40ft Standard container has 2,350 cu ft of storage space on the interior, whereas the 40ft High Cube container has 2,694 cu ft of storage space. This additional height gives the 40ft High Cube container an extra 344 cu ft of storage capacity.
All the other specifications remain the same in terms of the width and length.
Another difference in the 40ft High Cube container versus the 40ft Standard container is the weight. The 40ft High Cube container weighs 8,775 lbs. The 40ft Standard container weighs 8,000 lbs. Both the 40ft High Cube container and 40ft Standard container have a Maximum Gross Weight (weight of container and the cargo inside) of 67,200 lbs. When it comes to shipping the weight limit is the same. On the other hand, if you are using a shipping container for on-site storage and it is not being moved, the weight limit is irrelevant.